The Registration Process


The Junior Medallion Program supports young women in their desire to become useful volunteers while making the experience enjoyable from June of their eighth-grade year through November of their senior year. St. Lucy’s Auxiliary does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color or creed.

The Junior Medallion Program registration for current eighth grade girls will be available on this page May 1, 2024, at 10:00am:  Register Now.  When that class’s maximum capacity is reached, we will no longer be taking requests and instructions will be provided directing you to email to be placed on the waitlist.  

Mothers or female guardians of Junior Medallion Candidates are required to become members of St. Lucy’s Auxiliary at the time of their daughter’s acceptance. They must remain members until presentation at the Ball in November of the Medallion girl’s senior year. To join, please visit the Membership page and look for the Member Application Form on that page. The annual dues are $50 and we are honored to have you as a member!

The Junior Medallion Program Requirements

To be eligible for the Medallion Ball and to receive the St. Joan of Arc Medallion, the young woman must contribute a minimum of 150 hours of acceptable volunteer service over a three-year period. The Junior Medallion Candidate is to set a goal of 50 hours per year beginning June 1st after her eighth grade year and ending on May 1st of her junior year of high school. The volunteer service director of the agencies or organizations she serves must document these hours.

The Junior Medallion Candidate is required to submit her hours to the Credentials Committee to ensure that she is fulfilling the minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service per year in order to attain the 150 total required hours of service. The Credentials Committee will contact her when it is time to submit these hours.

In accepting this honor, the candidate must be willing to participate fully in the program and her mother or female guardian must remain a member of St. Lucy’s Auxiliary for the duration of the program. No awards will be presented in absentia.

Please direct all inquiries to