Prior to submitting your reservation, please review the FAQs below.
IMPORTANT: If you are choosing to process your reservation online, you must pay the administrative fees that are automatically calculated based on your reservation total. If you uncheck this option, we will contact you to pay this fee and until it is paid your reservation is not confirmed. St. Lucy’s cannot cover the cost of the administrative fees. If you do not wish to pay administrative fees, please use the response card with the reservation and mail in a check with your reservation.
Can I add a guest the night of the ball?
The cut off date for any changes to your reservation is the Sunday, November 3, 2024. Unfortunately we cannot accept any changes after this date, including the night of the ball.
I would like to purchase a Joan of Arc table (first row tables that line the dance floor), how can I be guaranteed to get one?
Unfortunately, there are a limited number of Joan of Arc tables available. If you wish to purchase one, please get your reservation in early. Requests will be taken on a first come first serve basis. Also please make sure you include payment for the entire table. If your request is received without payment for the entire table we cannot assign you to a Joan of Arc until the full payment is received.
Can I get a table of 12? Do I have to pay extra?
There are a limited number of tables of 12 available at all table levels. For online reservations you will need to purchase a full table of 10 and then add 1 to 2 additonal tickets at the same level. If we cannot honor this request we will contact you.
I want to sit at the same table or near friends/family that are submitting a seperate reservation, how do I request this?
We recommend if you want to sit at the same table as another group that you submit one reservation. If you do not wish to do this, please ensure that you are both purchasing the same table level and email the reservation committee ( that you are requesting to be seated at the same table. We will try to honor this request but keep in mind that we cannot seat different table levels together.
Do you send out a confirmation about my rsvp?
We will only contact you if your request for a Joan of Arc or table of 11/12 cannot be filled. These tables are limited and are first come, first served so please get your requests in early.
I do not have the names of everyone attending under my reservation, does this matter?
You can still submit your reservation and put TBD under each attendee. When your guests check in at the ball they just need to say they are sitting with you.
Will my daughter and her escort sit with us?
No, you do not need to purchase a seat for your daughter and her escort. The cost of her seat and her escort’s is included in her registration fee which has already been paid. They will both be seated with other Medallion girls and their escorts.
I am a vegetarian/have food allergies/have a special diet. Can you help me?
Yes, please note your request on the reservation.
I need to sit close an exit. Is this possible?
Yes, please note your request on the reservation.
Can my grandmother/elderly family member/disabled person be seated in the ballroom before the doors open for others?
Yes, please indicate this in the comments setion on the reservations form. Also, let us know when you check in for your table and we will assist you with this request.
Do I have to invite my daughter’s escort’s parents?
This is completely your decision. Some people do, but if you do you not know the escort’s parents well, it is not necessary.
If I have eight in my party, does that give me a whole table? Will I have to share my table with others?
You will probably have two other guests at your table whom you may not know.
How will I know where I am supposed to sit?
When you arrive at the ball you will check in at the reservation table and we will give you your table number.
Do we all receive tax deduction letters if we send in separate checks?
What are the different ticket prices?
There are three levels of ticket prices:
$500 – Joan of Arc (Must be purchased in a table of 10 for $5000)
$400 – Gold
$325 – Silver
Still have Questions?
Email the reservation committee at