Type of Service
- Candy striper at a hospital.
- Helping at a community library.
- Serving in a nursing home.
- Volunteering with a non-profit organization or CBO (Community Benefit Organization) that serves the underprivileged, a group or a need e.g. National Pancreas Foundation, Autism Speaks, etc.
- Volunteering at BVRS
- Any service performed for compensation.
- Cutting grass, weeding, shoveling snow etc. unless supervised by a group or organization.
- Volunteering to foster or adopt a pet.
- Serving St. Lucy’s Auxiliary because volunteers must be members of the Auxiliary; Junior Medallion Candidates are not members.
- Community service that takes place after school and is not required for school, clubs or an organization.
- Volunteer peer tutoring after school.
- Coaching/assisting/training athletes after school.
- All required community service for commitments or organizations such as band, orchestra, chorus, drama, student council, and graduation, National Honor Society etc.
- All community service that takes place during school.
- Coaching/assisting/training athletes at a private club e.g. swim club, racquet club or country club.
- Participation in any part of the weekly religious service e.g. altar servers, cantors, readers, etc. Serving as a teacher/helper/aide for religious education classes
- Helping with church sponsored community activities such as food or clothing drives, etc.
- Mission trips/work camps are limited to 40 hours per week or service
- Driving senior citizens to polls to vote.
- Volunteering/working for a political campaign.
- Service to a non-profit agency or for profit CBO (Community Benefit Organization) e.g. American Heart Association, National Kidney Foundation etc.
- Counselor at camps that serve the underprivileged, handicapped, or needy in the community e.g. YMCA Camps, The Woodlands Foundation, Girl Scout Camps Note: When in doubt, please get prior approval from the Credentials committee.
- Helping at a fundraising walk/run.
- Coaching/training athletes enrolled in community youth league sports.
- Working for a profit making business, unless it is a CBO, (Community Benefit Organization), which serves the community.
- Counselor at camps that do not serve the underprivileged, handicapped, or needy e.g. private camps or some camps held at private schools. Note: When in doubt, please get prior approval from the Credentials committee.
- Walking/running in a walk/run.
- Participating in a day of awareness.
- Performing in a community drama play, orchestra, band, choir, or chorus etc.